Tips from on our Colac Podiatrist on ‘How to look after your feet if you have Diabetes’

Do you have diabetes or know someone that does? Follow these simple tips from our Colac Podiatrist to help look after your feet!

Why is it important to look after your feet if you have diabetes?

Diabetes can affect your feet in a few different ways which you can read more about here. It’s so important to look after your feet because when people have foot issues caused by diabetes it can very difficult to to fix, and in some cases will cause permanent damage. In worse case scenarios this can lead to diabetic foot ulcers and amputation.

As with most things in diabetes management prevention is far easier than the cure!

Daily foot checks

Each day when you shower and put on your socks check over your feet and look out for the following;

  • Redness in areas suggesting rubbing
  • Blisters
  • Ingrowing nail issues
  • Unusual swelling
  • Bruising
  • Hard skin (callus) or corns on the bottom of your feet

What should I do if I see something I’m worried about?

If your worried about something you’ve found it’s important to get it checked by your Podiatrist as soon as you can. If you can’t get in with your Podiatrist at short notice see your Diabetes Educator or GP.

Tips for daily foot care

After you’ve checked your feet each day I would recommend

  • Applying a moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated. This helps in limiting hard skin build up and preventing any cracking in the skin, which can be an entry point for infection.
  • Make sure your socks are not restricting circulation. If you have socks that are leaving a ‘ring’ around your calf then they need to go! Most chemists and some Podiatry clinics will sell diabetes friendly socks.
  • Ensure your shoes are well fitted and are a suitable match to your foot type and activity levels. If you’re unsure about this then book in with us for more advice.

At a minimum people with diabetes should have a full foot assessment each twelve months and sooner if issues are identified.

If you are worried about your feet or would like more info on how diabetes can affect your feet please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

All the best,

Danny Hegarty