
Danny Hegarty


Danny is an experienced Podiatrist with a sporting background in cricket, football and soccer. Danny has a special interest in overuse injuries of the feet and lower leg, specifically heel pain and achilles pain. He is also very skilled at performing corrective nail surgeries for recurrent ingrown nail problems.

Danny is an avid lifelong learner and enjoys staying abreast of the latest in sports medicine research. He delivers hands on treatment, regularly using manual therapy techniques including foot mobilisation, joint manipulation and dry needling to assist the bodies natural healing properties. Danny is also passionate about strengthening the foot and lower limbs to reduce the chance for re-injury.

He is passionate about the community aspect of living in the country and loves talking all things sport and farming. When not helping clients Danny loves spending time with his wife Sophie and young family, working in the garden and playing cricket with Irrewarra.

Danny is an active member of the Australian Podiatry Association and also of the Australasian Academy of Sports Podiatric Medicine.

Danny currently consults from Colac and Highton.