COVID-19 Update – Temporary closure for non-essential treatments

COVID-19 Update – Temporary closure for non-essential treatments


Like everyone, we at Prosper have been following the recent COVID-19 news very closely. With the Victorian Government announcing the temporary closure of non-essential business activity there has been confusion over what constitutes ‘essential’. 


Our position at Prosper relating to this is that;


  • Essential Podiatry is directly relatable to keeping people out of emergency departments and hospital beds in the short to medium term. 


Even with strict hygiene practices it is our opinion that the risk of becoming an unknowing carrier and passing this on to clients, many of whom are elderly and/or immunosuppressed, is too great. 


As a Podiatrist I feel privileged to be able to help people with their health everyday. In these uncertain times I feel it my duty as a health professional to be really clear on the services that I will continue to provide to the community. Every person with an existing booking will get a phone call from myself to discuss their case and ongoing care in the short term. 


I will remain available on telephone, skype and email to best serve our community for all non-essential matters. 


Danny Hegarty – Podiatrist

0438 941 709