We wanted to take a moment to keep you up to speed on how we will be continuing to help you over the coming weeks and possibly months.
We understand that many of you will be anxious and concerned, or you may simply be wondering about how things will operate at the clinic during this time.
We want you to feel as safe as possible about coming to the clinic, so over the past week we have implemented extra hygiene measures and we are grateful for your support in following these practices too.
Also, if you are experiencing any symptoms that may be related to COVID-19 (fever, dry cough and generally feeling unwell) or you suspect that you may be carrying it due to recent close contact with someone who has symptoms, we please ask you to post-pone your upcoming appointment/s for about 2 weeks.
We will be continuing on as normal unless there are specific recommendations from our professional associations and/or the government.
We appreciate your ongoing support during this time and look forward to continuing to serve our community to the best of our ability.